Friday, February 11, 2011

Hmmm How all of this PORN started...

Well lets gooooo back ,In a galaxy FAR FAR away ..oh wait wrong movie.I personaly started as just a hobbiest photo in school,loved working with wildlife and scenic work.(Got published in Field@stream at

BUT then came senior yr and after ,well I started hitting strip clubs when i was 16(My dad took me, Come ON ,its father son day) So I was still hitting them all the time ,hell dating some of the girls.AND one thing i learned is that well GIRLS like to have their pic taken...SO it began from shooting girlfriends to other girls in the clubs to hell shooting for the clubs..Then one day i was shooting a few girls and was hit up buy a guy,(NO NAME GIVEN) to come work with him..I checked it out..PORN ...COOL it started I was taking care of photo and then vid work for Company P,I was livivg the dream of a
NOW granted Candace at this time was VERY self conscience of herself and our relationship..HELL I snuck porn mags and hid got caught) She would always compair herself to the girls in the mag and then I would try to assure her its just porn and jerking off NO BIG..
SO starting this work brought up all kinds of fights..BUT money is money and she started to see it was just work and i wasnt banging the girls or anything..SO it settled ..

FAST Forward a few years...Myself and company P started not getting along,They were into the drugs and other parts that can come into this industry and me..HELL I just wanted to shoot pretty girls..SO after a long dragged out fight ,I got out of my contract with them..ANd it was the end...But was it..

Well after some time to reflect and ALOT of talking with Candace ,I decided to go on my own! Use my real nickname and well do what I like to shoot,my way,my style and just have fun,not worry if someone will like it or not just enjoy what i do..So I Opened JDEVIL Productions.
Now in the beginning I only took pics of the models ,I only shot still erotica .Candace was always with me ,granted she stayed in the corner and made sure no camera ever came near her..(FUNNY I KNOW)
Now this is 2001-2003 Im just taking pics of great girls,and LEARNING alot ! And Candace is like the house mom,staying behind scenes helping the girls and helping me.Now Fast forward a couple yrs..Now Candace and I are becoming a even stronger couple,,we love each other and we make things work,..Now I have this Idea of starting to also do video with my stuff,and we had ALOT more talks..But I started doing Vid,Mostly G/G or solo but I got my hands on models for bdsm shoots and such and things were going great...

So now its late 2005 ,and I have a two girl shoot booked and well like it happens all the time models don't show up at the last min,well one of them well she was a twisted beauty and looked at my wife and said HEY you can shoot with the look of horror on Candaces face i still remember.But this was just a still shoot and after a bit of coaxing the model got her to agree..HOLY SHIT ! Now the shoot went on with plenty of giggles and funny moments but candace was coming out of her shell a bit,and well i was enjoying the fuck out of shooting my wife .Now after the shoot Candace decided ok she had fun and maybe taking pictures would be ok........ and well CHARLIE ANGEL was born...

Now time went by and well Candace Bloomed..she got more and more and more into all of this ,,YES a MONSTER was born!

NOw She was getting into video and well I was getting heavier and heavier also...

NOW more time past and well Charlie Changed her name after a couple sites and dvd's..some whole problem with searches not going right and me ..well I stayed the same twisted bastard i always was and now we get to share our adventures...

Now You have JDEVIL and Candace Moon ! Still together just now doing more and more as a couple..Needless to say ,,Candace isnt the shy self conscience girl she used to be and me well after art books dvd's sites and down sites and now one main site and still filming shooting being the pervert i always was...we are HAPPy ,We have learned many lessons over the yrs,but we know that in the end we have each other and to live our lives the way we want,we still hold hands and everything....So I hope u enjoyed this entry about onto the future ...

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